With your help, there will soon be drinkable water for everyone!With a donation to Trinkbares Wasser für Alle (Drinking Water for All) , you support people at the other end of the world who need water that is free of bacteria and dirt.
With simple gravity filtration systems, we provide germ-free water for students and patients in hospitals. The filters are just as easily assembled as they are cleaned and costs (including assembly) are about 75 Euro each-so you can make a difference with a small donation because a filter supplies an average of 100 students or patients with drinkable water.
Donate now
Account holder: Gerhard Bartschat
IBAN: DE92 8504 0000 0322 9424 00
Our NGO is currently being run by the private company Gerhard Bartschat, and the foundation of a non-profit association is planned for this year.